Arkham Technology
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Software Apps and Libraries

Military-Grade Cyber Defense

Software Apps and Libraries

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Software libraries supporting cryptographic algorithms and key management protocols that are produced in a HAEDDESR-compliant development environment.

Mature TRL-9 products delivered to several customers.

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Secure Your Data with Advance Security Softwares

Mature software that reduces customers timelines and mitigates program risk

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Top Choice for Cybersecurity and Advanced Cryptography

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Unique licensable Intellectual Property (IP) for high-assurance cryptographic modernization and KMI Integration.

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Cleared staff and secure development infrastructure certified and accredited by the U.S. Government for trusted microelectronics design.

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Mature engineering and development processes compliant with U.S. and international standards to ensure quality.

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Successful design, certification, and integration support of over 25 different

high-assurance COMSEC and KMI systems.

Strengthen Your Defense

Fortify Your Systems with Military-Grade Cybersecurity Software

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