We have credible experience developing and delivering high-assurance systems that support national security, which can be applied to your program needs.
We are a Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB), Woman-Owned Small Business (WoSB), a Non-Traditional Defense Contractor (NTDC), and we have unique high-assurance technologies developed with Small-Business Innovative Research (SBIR) data rights, all of which may provide acquisition incentives to both government and prime contractor customers
Design and implement systems with the highest levels of security and reliability, ensuring protection against advanced threats.
Our cleared staff can provide turn-key designs in our HAEDDESR-compliant and DMEA TAPO certified DevSecOps environments, with unique expertise in FSDA, TEMPEST, anti-tamper, strategic nuclear survivability and hardness, and space radiation hardened design.
Having supported over 25 different high-assurance cryptographic developments and certifications, we can help you navigate complex certification efforts in the minimum time.
We have expertise in certifying weapon system security and safety in accordance with DODI 5210.42 and AFI 63-125. We can also apply this expertise to fusion and fission reactor designs.
Our customers can mitigate their program risks with our TRL-9 products, many of which have been successfully evaluated by the government.
Arkham Technology is a specialist in high-assurance security, providing advanced cryptographic solutions for mission-critical applications.
Public domain images courtesy of U.S. Government
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Contact Details
2525 Main Street, Suite 250
Irvine, CA 92614, USA
839 Elkridge Landing Road,
Suite 100, Linthicum, MD 21090, USA
880 Heritage Park Blvd, Suite 100 Layton, UT 84041, USA